Machine Learning

Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven

Quantitative research of the String Quartets by Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven (2019-present)

Computational Musicology, Algorithms, and Datasets

The purpose of this exhibition is to show an overview of the application of algorithms in recent studies in Computational Musicology and to present currently in use musical datasets.

Música e Inteligência Artificial

Impactos da inteligência artificial nas áreas da Música.


Algorithms for automatic harmonic analysis (2007-2009)

Functional Harmonic Analysis and Computational Musicology in Rameau

In this paper we present the infrastructure for computational musicology and functional harmonic analysis in Rameau, a framework for experimentation with musicological ideas in software. Rameau supports out of the box chord labeling, key finding, …

Rameau: A system for automatic harmonic analysis

Automated harmonic analysis is an important and interesting music research topic. Although many researchers have studied solutions to this problem, there is no comprehensive and systematic comparison of the many techniques proposed. In this paper we …