A comprovisação a partir de contornos fotográficos na polimicrotonalidade da peça Topografia nas Vizinhanças das Dunas de Stella Maris, para orquestra de violões

Este trabalho procura abordar três aspectos importantes que contribuíram para a composição da peça para orquestra de violões Topografia nas Vizinhanças das Dunas de Stella Maris, um dos produtos de uma pesquisa em andamento sobre a comprovisação e …

New Visual Tools for Rhythmic Partitioning Analysis of Musical Texture

The _Partitional Theory of Texture_ provides a graphical tool, the _partitiogram_, to show relations between textural partitions. Despite its great utility, the partitiogram does not identify the occurrence frequency of each partition in a piece. In …

Python Scripts for Rhythmic Partitioning Analysis

The _Rhythmic Partitioning Analysis_ demands laborious tasks on segmentation and agglomeration/dispersion calculus. Parsemat software runs these tasks and renders indexogram and partitiogram charts. In the present paper, we introduce the Rhythmic …

A Harpa de Concerto - estudo de glissandi e de configurações dos pedais com categorização de classes de conjuntos

Neste artigo estudam-se as possibilidades de dispor os pedais da Harpa de Concerto para a execução de glissandi conforme os exemplos encontrados nos tratados de orquestração. Estudam-se os princípios envolvidos nas disposições possíveis dos pedais …

A quantitative study of pitch registers in string quartets opus 17, by Joseph Haydn

In this paper, we present an exploratory study of the pitch registers on the string quartets Opus 17, by Joseph Haydn, according to a quantitative approach. This subject is relevant because the pitch registers studies have revealed noteworthy issues …

Contour Similarity Algorithms

The Musical Contour literature provides multiple algorithms for melodic contour similarity. However, most of them are limited in use by the melody length of input data. In this paper I review these algorithms, propose two new algorithms, compare them …

Contour Algorithms Review

In this paper, we present some problems of two Music Contour Relations Theory operations algorithms: the Refinement of Contour Reduction Algorithm, which was developed by Rob Schultz, and the Equivalence Contour Class Prime Form algorithm, which was …

The Implementation of a Contour Module for Music21

Os Primórdios do Teatro São João desta Cidade da Bahia (1806-1821)

The \"Teatro São João desta Cidade da Bahia\" was the main stage for the representation of cultural, social and political values of the elite in one of the richest cities in the Americas during the early 19th Century. Recently found documents depict …