@article{sampaio2018-contour, abstract = {The Musical Contour literature provides multiple algorithms for melodic contour similarity. However, most of them are limited in use by the melody length of input data. In this paper I review these algorithms, propose two new algorithms, compare them in three experiments with contours from the Bach Chorales, from a Schumann song and automated generated, and present a brief review of the contour and similarity literature.}, author = {Sampaio, Marcos da Silva}, journal = {MusMat - Brazilian Journal of Music and Mathematics}, keywords = {Computational Musicology, Melodic Similarity, Music Analysis, Music contour}, number = {2}, pages = {58--78}, projects = {contour-similarity}, title = {Contour Similarity Algorithms}, url = {https://musmat.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/08-contour-similarity-algorithm.pdf}, volume = {2}, year = {2018} }