@article{sampaio.ea2022-new, abstract = {The Partitional Theory of Texture provides a graphical tool, the partitiogram, to show relations between textural partitions. Despite its great utility, the partitiogram does not identify the occurrence frequency of each partition in a piece. In this paper, we propose two new partitiograms to represent partitions' occurrence frequency and to show partitions' differences among the sections of a given piece. The proposed tools made it possible to identify relevant aspects of the texture in nine works analyzed.}, author = {Sampaio, Marcos da Silva and Gentil-Nunes, Pauxy and Oliveira, Vicente Sanches de and Oliveira, Sidnei Marques de and Oliveira, Jaderson Cardona}, doi = {10.52930/mt.v7i2.240}, journal = {Revista Musica Theorica}, keywords = {Rhythmic Partitioning Analysis, Textural Analysis, Music Analysis, Python scripts, Music21}, number = {2}, pages = {215--246}, projects = {rpscripts}, title = {New Visual Tools for Rhythmic Partitioning Analysis of Musical Texture}, url = {https://revistamusicatheorica.tema.mus.br/index.php/musica-theorica/article/view/240}, volume = {7}, year = {2022} }