Music Contour

Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven

Quantitative research of the String Quartets by Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven (2019-present)


A suite of music analysis tools on the web

Contour Similarity

Research about the contour similarity problem (2014-2018)

Contour Similarity Algorithms

The Musical Contour literature provides multiple algorithms for melodic contour similarity. However, most of them are limited in use by the melody length of input data. In this paper I review these algorithms, propose two new algorithms, compare them …

Difusa, op. 13

A Teoria de Relações de Contornos no Brasil

The Theory of Musical Contours was initially developed by Robert Morris, Elizabeth Marvin and Michael Friedmann as a support for the study of musical contours. Since the 1980s, dozens of authors have used it as a basis for their studies. In Brazil, …

Aplicação de Contornos na Composição Musical

Contornando falas

O presente artigo tem como propósito explorar as possíveis relações e aplicações composicionais entre fala e teoria dos contornos no universo da música acusmática. Para tanto, etapas de escolha e análise de material falado sob o prisma da teoria dos …

Contour Algorithms Review

In this paper, we present some problems of two Music Contour Relations Theory operations algorithms: the Refinement of Contour Reduction Algorithm, which was developed by Rob Schultz, and the Equivalence Contour Class Prime Form algorithm, which was …

Composition with contours

Application of Contour Theory in Composition (2007-2012)