The _Partitional Theory of Texture_ provides a graphical tool, the _partitiogram_, to show relations between textural partitions. Despite its great utility, the partitiogram does not identify the occurrence frequency of each partition in a piece. In …
The purpose of this exhibition is to show an overview of the application of algorithms in recent studies in Computational Musicology and to present currently in use musical datasets.
In this paper, we present an exploratory study of the pitch registers on the string quartets Opus 17, by Joseph Haydn, according to a quantitative approach. This subject is relevant because the pitch registers studies have revealed noteworthy issues …
The Musical Contour literature provides multiple algorithms for melodic contour similarity. However, most of them are limited in use by the melody length of input data. In this paper I review these algorithms, propose two new algorithms, compare them …
Musicologia computacional é definida a grosso modo como o estudo de música com a auxílio de programas de computador. Nesse artigo estudamos quintas e oitavas consecutivas, cadências, âmbito de vozes, acordes de sexta aumentada, cruzamento de vozes, …
Automated harmonic analysis is an important and interesting music research topic. Although many researchers have studied solutions to this problem, there is no comprehensive and systematic comparison of the many techniques proposed. In this paper we …